Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Greetings from Ground Zero - March 17

 March 17

Well, happy St. Paddy’s Day, I guess.  I had a good day today.  Mom’s nurse came for her weekly visit and we had a good chat out in the sunshine.  We talked about Mom, of course (she is so, so thin.  I learned that at some point the body just stops absorbing nutrients.  So, while she is eating remarkably well, it’s not really doing anything.) but also the larger context of what her nurse and the team are operating in.  Stating the obvious:  it’s really, really tough out there for our health care professionals.

Earlier in the day, my workplace held its first regular staff meeting virtually.  It went remarkably well, with most people jumping on Zoom, using the chat feature to share feelings and comments while folks were talking, and generally participating earnestly and seamlessly.  There was fear.  Resentment at losing the ability to work at work.  Denial.  But, generally a collaborative vibe, a we’ll-get-through-this-together feeling.

We talked about self-care and how to get through this.  One person shared her favorite natural immune-boosting supplements.  Our Executive Director shared the importance about not being glued to your computer 8 hours a day.  I shared what I read yesterday:  Take this moment to nurture your creative side.  We are in a time of Before and After.  No matter what happens, the rest of your lives will forever be Before this moment, and After.

Journal.  Write what you are experiencing, what you are seeing.  What is unfolding.  Even if just so 6 months from now you can remember.  B/c otherwise it will absolutely all be a blur.  Chronicle your own personal experience.

That is what I am trying to do here.  Some days better than others, I am sure.   I am actually embarrassed about yesterday’s post.  But, it is what it is.  I’m out of practice and I hope I will get better each day.

Tomorrow, unless I change my mind, I am going to write about what it feels like to me to be living in the cliché that every major global event spurs people to write about:  how it all happened so fast – one day you’re living what feels like a rich but stressful life and then 2 weeks later, you’re looking back and it seems an eternity since that life was your reality.  You're different, the world is transformed, and every decision is fraught with consequences.

But, who knows, the clouds or the grass or the dog might strike me as needing some writing love.

Be good to yourself, be kind and generous with others.  Be well.

See you tomorrow.

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