Sunday, May 10, 2009

Taking it to the next next level

Today was Day 1 of the Great Chicken Coop Tour and Mark and I agree we can’t remember when we’ve had more fun.  A dump truck load worth of work?  ( up til 1AM, back up at 6AM)  You bet.  But, talking to folks all day long about why we raise pastured hens, how we built this place out of salvaged materials, and what’s good about local food – heaven.

We had a steady stream, too.  People who have or had chickens, people who are thinking about having chickens, people who just thought tooling around and checking out what other people are doing sounded like a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon.   Most people, actually, were in the “seriously considering this” club.  They’d come from more upscale operations and were encouraged to see recycled stop sign posts and Vashonfreecycle chicken housing.  I think it gave them hope that their chicken dreams were possible.

We sold out of bread by 1PM, sold most of our hummus and tabouli not long after.  The eggs are long gone.  Water, sugar, fresh-squeezed lemons, and our own rosemary made our Rosemary Lemonade a big hit.  Not too sweet and just a little hint of rosemary.  Yum.

It was so fun talking with people.  Yes!  Do this!  You’ll love it!  Chickens are the best entertainment and the eggs become just a much-appreciated bonus.

Right now, I sit beneath a 4-post canopy, gazing at the tulips Mark brought home from Pike Place Market to honor me for Mother’s Day.    The sun filters through the far-away trees to grace our farm with dappled, late light.  The sheep are back in the permanent pasture for the night.  Owl crows when the spirit moves him.  Our farmstand table is mostly empty but for books and bouquets and other “stuff.”  People have nibbled samples of our wares and bought some to take home.

A very good day.





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