Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We interrupt our regularly scheduled farm blog...

Almost 19 years after stepping, blinking, into the unlikely Seattle June sun (not realizing he would meet his bride to be in less than 24 hours), Mark became a U.S. citizen.

Nana, Dylan, and I watched as his name, 9th out of 112, was called and he strode across the stage to receive his official paper yesterday afternoon. We almost missed it - he went in Tuesday morning for his final interview and they shook his hand and told him to show up in the auditorium at 2pm!

112 people from 36 nations joined our nation in that auditorium. They took an oath, they beamed, their families cried and took lots of photos. Babies cried and children fidgeted.

It was really something.

Congratulations, Mark. Welcome home.

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